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本帖最後由 eric955168 於 2025-1-19 21:42 編輯
2019/05/16 來源:知乎專欄
①《Journal du siège》:At their ownexpense they despatched workmen of all trades,--masons, carpenters, smiths.They lent their artillery. They sent culverins, cannons, La Bergère, and thelarge mortar to which four horses were harnessed, with the gunners Megret andJean Boillève. They furnished ammunition, engines, arrows, ladders, pickaxes,spades, mattocks; and all were marked, for they were a methodical folk.Everything for the siege was sent to the Maid. For in this undertaking she wasthe one commander they recognised, not the Duke of Alençon, not even theBastard their own lord's noble brother. For the inhabitants of Orléans, Jeannewas the leader of the siege; and to Jeanne, before the besieged town, theydespatched two of their citizens,--Jean Leclerc and François Joachim. After thecitizens of Orléans, the Sire de Rais contributed most to the expenses of thesiege of Jargeau. This unfortunate noble spent thoughtlessly right and left,while rich burgesses made great profits by lending to him at a high rate ofinterest.
②《Vie De Jeanne D'arc》:After the citizens of Orléans, the Sire de Rais contributed most tothe expenses of the siege of Jargeau. This unfortunate noble spentthoughtlessly right and left, while rich burgesses made great profits bylending to him at a high rate of interest. The sorry state of his affairs wasshortly to bring him to attempt their readjustment by vowing his soul to thedevil.
③《Vie De Jeanne D'arc》:The suburbs of the town appeared undefended; but, when the FrenchKing's men approached, they found the English posted in front of theoutbuildings, wherefore they were compelled to retreat. When the Maid beheldthis, she seized her standard and threw herself upon the enemy, calling on thefighting men to take courage. That night, the French King's men were able toencamp in the suburbs.
④薩福克伯爵(Earl of Suffolk),本名威廉.德.拉.波爾(Willaim de la Pole),是英國在百年戰爭後期起用的新晉將領,本來只是家族的次子,不具備領地和爵位的繼承權。但隨著父親和兄長相繼去世,威廉抓住機會崛起,參與了許多英國入侵法國的重要戰事,憑藉戰功被授予騎士勳章。
⑤約翰.法斯托爾夫(Sir John Fastolf),1378年出生的他如今已經是51歲的老將,名聲響徹英法兩國,被一位侍衛評價「殘忍且報復心極強的人」。
⑥《Chronique de la Pucelle》:In the thick of the attack, she noticed on the wall one of thoselong thin mortars, which, from the manner of its charging, was called abreechloader. Seeing it hurl stones on the very spot where the King's faircousin was standing, she realised the danger, but not for herself. "Moveaway," she said quickly. "That cannon will kill you."The Dukehad not moved more than a few yards, when a nobleman of Anjou, the Sire DuLude, having taken the place he had quitted, was killed by a ball from thatsame cannon.
貞德拿著軍旗登上雲梯,被一塊石頭砸中受傷掉了下來,但又立刻站了起來鼓舞友軍繼續攻擊。戰鬥持續了4個小時,法國人爬上了城牆,薩福克伯爵決定棄城逃跑,在逃跑的路上,法軍將領奧弗涅(Martiald'Auvergne)的軍隊追上了薩福克伯爵,奧弗涅的侍從紀堯姆.雷納德(Guillaume Regnault)一把抓住薩福克伯爵。
⑦《Journal du siège》:The wall wasscaled and the French King's men penetrated into the town. The English fledinto La Beauce and the French rushed in pursuit of them. Guillaume Regnault, asquire of Auvergne, came up with the Earl of Suffolk on the bridge and took himprisoner.
"Are you a gentleman?" asked Suffolk.
"Are you a knight?"
The Earl of Suffolk dubbed him a knight and surrendered tohim.